Limericks to teach alphabet sounds to preschoolers is a good idea. This can be done with lots of gestures, fun and can be very enjoyable to young kids. One can use a props, pictures and actions to make it fun.
I remember a child who was rolling with laughter when he heard
Lion is licking lollipop I I i
Monkeys are marching m m m
Dum Dum the drum he banged away.
Try these limericks and enjoy teaching sounds to your two and three year olds.Sing
le PageBala is bouncing bbb
Joker is jumping jjj
Monkeys are marching mmm
Papa papa pick me up
Nuts in a nut shell nnn
Goosy goosy gander g g g
Run run rain is in rrr
Tiny turtle is tossing ttt
z zebra in the zoo zzz
x fox in a box xxx
q is the queen qqq
Kangaroo are kicking kkk
lion is licking loolipop lll
bala in bouncing ball bbb
dum dum dum the drum ddd
flip flop flip flop goes the frog fff
ha ha ha hip hip hop hhh
swing and sing sss
octopus in the ocean ooo,
ink in a inkpot iii
ant apple alligator aaa
up the umbrella uuu
eight engine went eeee
cute cat has a cup ccc
y boy with a yoyo toy yyy